Saturday, December 28, 2024

ADA Membership: Vital to Our Profession

Early in my dental career, my boss emphasized the importance of ADA membership for maintaining our professional status. He believed so strongly that he covered my membership costs. At the time, I didn't see the value, but a few years later, I needed help . Organized dentistry was there for me and I was able to turn my life around. Since then, I've dedicated my career as a practicing dentist to advancing the profession through leadership roles in MDDS, CDA, and ADA.

We are the driving force behind progress in the dental profession, and I commend all the leaders nationwide who are contributing.

The ADA needs your support to uphold our professional standing. If you're already a member, thank you. Please encourage your colleagues to join.

Practice owners, be a member and consider covering membership costs for your associates. Young and mid-career dentists, be a member and actively shape your career path.

We may not always be perfect or agree on everything, but we all desire a fulfilling life and the ability to provide the best care for our patients and communities. A unified voice in advocacy has never been more crucial. Science, practice, education, practice models, benefits. 

Every practicing dentist benefits from the ADA's work. We are the proud voice of the practicing dentist.

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