Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Ego Vs. Spirit

Musings from my airplane seat this morning...

Ego vs. Spirit

The purpose of recovery is to "right-size" our egos.  Our ego could be our greatest asset (through truth) or our greatest liability (through deception).  

In self deception, our ego puts our own wants first, thrives on scarcity- tells us we need more and craves constant recognition. We exhibit self- seeking behaviors that drives us towards fragility and when we are fragile, a drink sounds like a good idea.  

In order for it to be an asset, the voice comes from a higher place and serve a higher purpsose (Spirit driven). It challenges us to push ourselves beyond what we think is possible- we see others accomplish big things and gives us the thought, "If they can do it, why not me too?" It has a foundation component level of selflessness, humility and altruism.  

Thinking of doing something BIG (Run 100+M, Ironman, stretch life goal)?  Ask yourself WHY?  What is the driving motivation behind it?

From my experience, when the intentions behind the action come from asset dominated (or spirit driven) place, the joy is found in the journey.  We must evolve in order to achieve the goal. Who you become in pursuit of the goal is the real gift.  

On my recovery path I need to constantly ask myself is this action spirit-driven or ego-driven.  I find the answer comes through step work.  


#theadventurecontinues #anythingispossible #sober #ADATrustee #UltrAspire #inspiredbyAthletes

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