Saturday, May 12, 2018


Evolution  (definition): The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

I have had many mentors, business, fitness and personal coaches throughout the years.  I have found that they usually see much more in me than I see in myself.  My mind is a tricky computing organ and sometimes it is an asset and sometimes a liability.  

One coach in particular Kim McGuire of Fortune Management, always challenged me with goals.  Once a goal was decided upon and a path was set, she would ask me, "What is the true outcome of this goal?"

"To achieve XYZ!, duh!!!!"  I would reply with a high level of snarkiness.

She would agree that the achievement of the goal and sense of accomplishment is obvious. But more importantly she would then challenge me with -

“Who must you become in the process of achieving this goal?” 

I have set and achieved many goals over the years. I have succeeded, failed, succeeded and failed many times over.  I have never thought about who I must become in pursuit of these goals.  

I am training for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI this October.   For me this is what Jim Collins termed a “BHAG” (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).  

Now let me say that I am a dedicated endurance athlete.  However, I am not fast.  I am not the guy that wins races.  If I take home a medal, it is usually because I am one of only 3 people in my age group.  I run/race, etc. to challenge myself, to take my game to new limits. I will enter a race to see a new part of the country, new trails, meet new people, etc.  It is not to win.  It is to experience something new. 

How did I get in?  Through a charity slot with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. I have been involved with this organization on and off since 2001.  The Hawaii Ironman has always been out there as something I would like to do someday.  The opportunity came my way and I jumped at it!

I am raising money to help cure blood cancers. A noble cause, you say,  It has deep meaning to me.  But that is a subject for another blog. 

I am trying to raise $100,000.  Another BHAG!!!!!

Who must I become to achieve these goals?  

I am planning to achieve these BHAG’s.

I am also evolving….

To accomplish big things, I must evolve.  I can't take things to a new level with the current behaviors and mindset.  If I keep the same effort, I will keep getting the same results. 

I don't like the word change.  It implies that I have been doing something wrong. I haven't been doing anything wrong. What I have been doing with my training (and my life for that matter), has got me to the level of success that I set out to do. 

Now that bar has been raised.  I need to build on what I have been doing to take things to a new level.  I am training a lot.  

Who am I becoming as a result?  We will see!

The conscience evolution has begun. The adventure continues...

I am sober, a husband, father, dentist, advocate, endurance athlete, speaker, writer, leader and follower. The blog -  If you like it, please follow me on my adventures. If you love it, please share! If you hate it, thanks for reading. It's not for everyone...

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