Monday, April 21, 2014

"Up in Smoke" - The Marijuana Phenomenon....How is Dentistry Affected?

"Rocky Mountain High" has a new meaning...

As of January 1, 2014, the recreational use of marijuana became legal here in Colorado.  The "medicinal" use has been in place since 2002.  When Barack Obama became president, he openly said that he wouldn't make this a judicial priority. Pot shops started to "bud" up all over Colorado. They grew like "weeds".  It got a little out of hand.  Advertisements, crazy names and street sign shakers everywhere.  All vacant commercial real estate became pot shops.  To really put this into perspective, there are more pot shops in Denver than Starbucks.

(A video I took a few years ago of a guy toting a sign advertising $25 1/8th's on Colfax Avenue.  Sign toting has since become illegal for pot shops.)

Imagine, walking into a marijuana store and after perusing the dozens of strains, brands, edibles, etc - pulling out your cash and making a purchase. No need to look over your shoulder. You walk out, you go home and partake.  This is not a hallucination.  It is reality in Colorado.  (Buy stock in Frito-Lay now!)

Before it became legal for recreational use, I had been to many concerts at Red Rocks, an outdoor venue in Morrison, CO. At the start of every show, the rampant outbreak of "glaucoma" commenced and it seemed that the only cure had been to smoke dope.  These poor souls -all those years of suffering - buying tickets to their favorite artist and unable to see the stage due to their glaucoma.  No longer- with the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana, they can see clearly!

I say this with my tongue firmly in cheek.  I thought the medical "guise" was a sham as so few people truly had medical conditions that qualified.  If it was truly for medical use, why weren't pharmacists in charge of its distribution?  They are the only profession qualified to dispense legal drugs.

The recreational marijuana experiment is here to stay.  The State of Colorado is expected to generate over $100 million in tax revenues. If you are not from Colorado, take note, I predict that this phenomena is coming to your state soon.

Before I go any further - for full disclosure, my marijuana days are long over. Mind altering substances didn't agree with my preferred future. I voted against the legalization. Obviously, I was in the minority.  It is here to stay.  It is now as normal to smoke dope in Colorado as having a beer with friends.

I am not going to get into the social ramifications or discussions about the signs of the apocalypse.  I would like to open up the "doors of perception" in my profession and start the conversation.  

How does marijuana affect dentistry?

First of all, our patients use it.  Accept this fact.  A significant percentage always have. We need to ask them about their using habits.  This may seem strange and/or uncomfortable.  We need to know, so we can treat our patients appropriately. There are several risks and maybe even some benefits here. 

Potential Risks:

  • Smoking marijuana causes cancer.  I know, this is going to elicit all sorts of responses from the peanut gallery.  Bottom line, it has carcinogens in it that cause cancer.  When we do an oral cancer screening, we need to get over our fear and ask our patients.  We need to council and educate our patients with regards to the risks of use - Just as we do with alcohol.
  • Like tobacco, smoking marijuana is also a risk factor in periodontitis which is the leading cause for tooth loss these days.  I am sure that oral hygiene takes a back seat to vegging out on the couch listening to Pink Floyd. I also predict "higher" caries risk due to xerostomia, poor diet and lapses in oral hygiene. 
  • Very important point - just because it is legal, we dentists must practice dentistry SOBER!  This goes for the dentist and our staffs - all health care professionals included.  It has never been OK to go to lunch and knock back a few drinks then return for our afternoon patients. This is no different.  I know you say, "it helps with concentration" - Zero tolerance here! 
  • Marijuana use can lead to addiction.  We need to be skilled in communicating this fact to our patients as we do with alcohol and other drugs. There is a plethora of resources available to treat the disease of addiction. We need to be well versed in guiding those patients that need help towards recovery.

Potential Benefits:

  • Pot may be a viable pain management alternative to opiates.  This is empirical.  But it does relieve pain. Chronic pain is a criteria to get access to a medical marijuana card.  I haven't seen any studies or if even these sort of studies are possible due to marijuana being a Schedule 1 drug. Opiate abuse/addiction is at an epidemic level.  There were three times more opiate deaths than drunk driving deaths in Colorado last year.  Pot is addictive but probably not as addictive or dangerous as opiates. I am not saying that pot is not dangerous.  I don't think it is as dangerous.
  • Pot may be a viable anti-anxiety alternative to benzodiazepams.  I will bet that our patients have been smoking pot prior to dental appointments for decades.  Again, I'm not sure if any studies have been done (see above). Another criteria for a medical marijuana card is anxiety.  
I do not proclaim myself to be an expert here.  These are just my observations and predictions as a practitioner and a citizen in the State of Colorado.  There is a wide open frontier of possible opportunities and pitfalls with the legalization of marijuana. Hopefully we can stay ahead of the curve and help our patients as always in the best possible manner.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

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