Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Organized Dentistry

The Colorado Dental Association is starting a public relations campaign to promote who we are and what we do.  For as long as I have been a member of organized dentistry, I have felt that we are the best-kept secret both to our members and to the patients who we serve.

                                       Click here to view the commercial

Why the PR campaign?

We are at a critical juncture.  There are many entities that are marketing their positions in the dental world.  As a result, dentistry is becoming a commodity and the general public doesn’t really know who to listen to with regards to oral health. 

In the near future, we will be updating the dental practice laws in Colorado.  We are positioning ourselves, once again where we belong, as the dental experts.

For years, we have not done much.  We dentists don't like to talk about ourselves.  Through our non-action, these entities have taken over the public's perception while we have been quiet.  

We are not going to be quiet anymore.  

What does it mean to be a member? 

By being part of organized dentistry, we are part of a bigger whole.  There is the local component - for me that is the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society.  There are several local components that all funnel into the state - the Colorado Dental Association -which I am currently President-Elect.  Every state has both state and local organizations.  We are all part of the national entity, the American Dental Association.  

This is who we are and this is what we stand for:

Our Colorado Dental Association core values:

Effective Leadership, 
Open Communication, 
Ethical Behavior, 
Moral Courage, 
Strong Advocacy, 
Fellowship, and 

Our Mission:

To provide the Colorado Dental Association membership and the public with superior service and to demonstrate effective leadership in advocacy, education, communication, and quality products and services that enhance member practices, professional growth, and patient care.

Dentistry, like all healthcare, is a profession in flux.  The delivery models are changing.  The business models are changing.  Access-to-care is expanding in Colorado. 

The one constant has been organized dentistry.  We have been around for over 100 years, preserving the integrity of the profession of dentistry.  The work that organized dentistry does today is to preserve the integrity of the profession.

Who would you like to be your dentist? 

Please choose one that is a member of organized dentistry.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website http://www.tcdodenver.com/ or like our facebook page,  https://www.facebook.com/TCDOdenver.  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

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