Monday, October 7, 2013

Veneers, Veneers and More Veneers

A smile is the window to the soul.  
As a dentist, I do everything I can to help my patient's soul shine through.  

Smiles communicate happiness, pleasure and confidence.  Many of my patients who come to me for smile improvements, are happy people but self conscious and may not project their inner happiness as effectively as they would like.  This could affect any relationship that they are in whether it be personal or professional.

93% of all communications are non-verbal - of which body language including facial expressions are a large part of that.

A new improved smile is life-changing!

I'd like to share an example with you:

One of my patients moved to a new neighborhood.. She was slow to make new friends/acquaintances with her new neighbors.  She was perplexed by this as she had never had difficulty with making friends in the past. She had some dental issues that allowed us to have a conversation about her smile.  Once we improved her smile, she mentioned to me that people seemed more friendly to her.  A close friend told her that she didn't smile very much before and perhaps her new neighbors judged her as unfriendly. This brought tears to her eyes as she explained this to me.  She had no idea that she was hiding her smile.  Her new smile outwardly projects her inner beauty, happiness and confidence.

Here are some examples of  what can be done to improve smiles with veneers.

 Case 1: Before: Stained old restorations

After- Veneers and teethwhitening.
Case 2: Before - Worn front teeth from grinding

After - Four veneers, teeth whitening, and bite therapy to protect her new smile


Case 3: Before - stained, yellow teeth

After - Four veneers, whitening


Case 4: Before - Old restorations, improve smile

After: Four veneers, teeth whitening


Each case is carefully crafted to match the patient's facial structures, personality and function.  Before we start we have a discussion dedicated to help the patient identify their goals with their smiles.  The better we can identify these goals, the better we can create the smiles that he/she desires.

For more examples of smiles that we have created and lives that have changed, click on the link - Smiles

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

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