Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is Orthodontics Enough?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Many times adults inquire about getting their smile fixed with veneers or orthodontics.  To maximize the aesthetic result, sometimes they need both.

This patient was recommended orthodontics to correct her upper and lower crowding. Due to the position of her teeth, they have worn down though function - both chewing and grinding of her teeth. She was also recommended veneers to restore the ideal and aesthetic tooth form.

Figure 1: Pre-op smile

Figure 2 illustrates what the teeth look like after the completion of orthodontics.  Her teeth are now in the correct position, but due to the wear on teeth edges, they just don't "look right."

As we were getting close to finishing her orthodontics, we had a discussion about veneers and how they can help create an amazing smile for her. 

Figure 2: Orthodontics complete

The day we removed her braces, we began the veneer process and created a more aesthetic smile with provisional veneers made of a hard plastic.  No one knew that she had any work done, except that she got her braces off.

Figure 3 illustrates the smile with the new veneers in place.  We chose to do simple teeth whitening and place veneers on only her front 4 teeth. Because we were able to idealize the position of her teeth, we could create a perfect bite and be super-conservative with the dentistry. This is the ultimate benefit of true comprehensive care.  Her smile will look amazing for years to come.  Needless to say, she is very happy!

Figure 3: Post veneer placement and teeth whitening

We love to create natural looking smiles.  A smile is a window to the soul - we do everything we can to help our patient's souls shine though! 

We offer complimentary consultations for anyone with questions about the best ways to improve their smile. To set up a free consultation, please call 303-321-4445, visit our website, or our facebook site

Fig 1: Pre-op
Figure 2:  Post - orthodontics, pre-veneers
Figure 3: Veneer delivery, whitening.

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