Monday, March 12, 2012

Let Go!!!!

Stress is a huge contributor to poor health.  It affects the immune system, sleep, relationships, etc.

In our society, we must always appear stoic and in control (I am speaking from experience, of course).  This is a grand illusion!

While we are trying to appear to the world that we have ourselves together, we internalize the stress. It is inevitable that we clench our teeth.  I see signs of clenching and grinding in approximately 70 percent of my patients.  This is commonly termed "TMJ". The correct terminology is TMD, or temporal mandibular disorder.  But when someone says they think they have "TMJ", I understand that they are telling me that they have problems with their TMJ's.

I observe wear or cracks on teeth, gum recession, mobile teeth, and/or advancing gum disease.  I observe clicking, popping or locking of the jaws.  I treat people that tell me that they get "stress" headaches with various levels of frequencies or have sensitive teeth.

I do esthetic work to improve my patient's smiles usually because their front teeth are worn down (their teeth look "old") and want a more "youthful" smile.

I usually ask my patient's if they notice if they are clenching or grinding their teeth.  Most deny the habit until I give them my definition.

Your teeth should only touch each other if you are in the process of chewing food.

As I give this definition, I watch them unclench their clenched teeth and laugh with them as they discover their unconscious destructive habit.

The process to fix this is multi - factorial.  I can help with the physical portion.  I can create "bite splints" that can help shut down muscle activity, and create an ideal bite through various dental modalities. Sometimes we utilize other resources like chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, nutrition counseling, etc., to help.

But if the patient is to get better, they must change their behavior. To do this, they must address the root of the problem...the stress.

The most rewarding aspect of my practice happens when my patients tell me that our conversation alerted them to how the stress in their lives had starting to become a problem.  I have had patients end bad relationships, change jobs or careers, stop abusing drugs or alcohol, the list goes on and on.

The mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are addressed too!

Everyone needs a way to find peace within their lives.  Once again, in my experience, that peace is found when we look inward.  Everyone has a purpose in this world for the time that we are here.  Once we tap into that inner voice, we find passion and bliss.  A zeal to make every moment matter.

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be..." Lao Tzu -Tao Te Ching -

Let Go....and stop clenching your teeth!!!

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