Monday, February 10, 2025

The Hero's Journey

The "hero's journey" takes an ordinary person and challenges them through various extraordinary events. This humble person grows confidence in the story as he/she conquers the obstacles presented in the path.  

As observers of the story, we root for them.  We see ourselves in that role. That hero could be us. 

If we're lucky, at some point, we realize we are on our own hero's journey. Every day, we are presented with challenges/opportunities where we can make the world a better place, live in our purpose, etc.  

The American Dental Association has been presented with an unexpected challenge this week when Ray Cohlmia, our executive director, resigned.  

As president, it puts me in a unique situation.  

What tools will I use to help lead our organization through this challenge? 

My favorite movie depicting the hero's journey is Star Wars.  

There's no light-saber or millenium falcon to help me fight the evil empire.  But there is plenty of experience and wisdom available to help me negotiate the challenges ahead. 

The "Yoda's" (or guides) are there to remind me of who I am and what I am capable of as a leader.  

Speaking of Yoda - "Do or do not. There is no try."  This is a time for definitive action by leadership - and we are up for the challenges ahead. 

When describing the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo says, "She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid. I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself.”

When I reflect back on my journey, I've made several "special modifications" myself, too. 

I've been collecting and cataloging my experiences throughout my life.  Every experience, both good and bad, had a lesson that I reflected on.  As a result, my toolbox has many tools to help me be the best leader I can be.  

These lessons have given me a multitude of leadership competencies. I have a strong resiliency. I have a clarity of purpose- both personal and my role leading the organization.  And trust me, I have used many of these recently.  

I also know when I need to recharge and reflect.  

I am proud of the work we are doing. I am proud to have served with Ray Cohlmia and have nothing but the utmost love and respect for him. I wish him well in his next chapter. And he wishes the same for us. 

The American Dental Association is bigger than one person. We have a history spanning 165 years. We have strong officers, a strong board, strong volunteer leaders across the tripartite, a strong interim executive director, a strong senior team and a most importantly- a clear vision.  

This chapter of the hero's journey now returns us to a blank page.  It's time to write the next chapter!  

#theadventurecontinues  #anythingispossible #sober #ADAPresident #ADAchangemakers #thinkdifferent #OralHealthIsHealth #PrioritizeWellness #theygolowIgohigh American Dental Association

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

Fresh from a strategy retreat with my board, my brain has been overflowing with ideas. When creating strategy, we must first define a vision.  

American Dental Association Board of Trustees
Santa Fe, NM
Strategic Retreat 2025

What is a vision?

My good friend and mentor Bob Frazer defines vision as “a path to the future from the heart”

I'm a vision-driven leader.  

Creating new paradigms fuels me.  I live in the realm where “anything is possible.” I love igniting the spark in others!

An inspiring vision sets us on a journey. It is not a straight path.  It becomes a winding mountain trail t with switchbacks, obstacles and detours.  But the view from the top is breathtaking!

An inspiring vision draws communities together. Expected and unexpected players show up to help.  

An inspiring vision gets results.  In my experience, significant vision precedes significant success.  

Visions create opportunities. 

I have created several vision statements in my personal life.  The most recent one read, “I will contribute maximally to my profession.”  Soon after, the opportunity opened up to serve on the ADA Board of Trustees. 

A good friend created a vision board for me which I stare at every day. Wherever my eyes land, becomes my theme of focus for the day.

When I decided to run for ADA president, I scrawled on a sticky note, "I WILL become ADA President in 2025," and slapped it onto my vision board. Now, every morning, it stares back at me, a daily reminder of the commitment I made to myself.


I still have it there as a reminder of the power of that vision and the responsibility the position demands.

I am proud to be in this role and I am proud of the vision the ADA’s Board of Trustees are creating to make our organization the best it could possibly be.  

Life presents us with a fundamental choice: 

Chart our own course, trimming the sails and navigating towards a chosen horizon,

Or - Do we drift aimlessly like a ship without a rudder, tossed about by the winds of chance?

Which will you choose?

What is your "moonshot"?

Saturday, December 28, 2024

ADA Membership: Vital to Our Profession

Early in my dental career, my boss emphasized the importance of ADA membership for maintaining our professional status. He believed so strongly that he covered my membership costs. At the time, I didn't see the value, but a few years later, I needed help . Organized dentistry was there for me and I was able to turn my life around. Since then, I've dedicated my career as a practicing dentist to advancing the profession through leadership roles in MDDS, CDA, and ADA.

We are the driving force behind progress in the dental profession, and I commend all the leaders nationwide who are contributing.

The ADA needs your support to uphold our professional standing. If you're already a member, thank you. Please encourage your colleagues to join.

Practice owners, be a member and consider covering membership costs for your associates. Young and mid-career dentists, be a member and actively shape your career path.

We may not always be perfect or agree on everything, but we all desire a fulfilling life and the ability to provide the best care for our patients and communities. A unified voice in advocacy has never been more crucial. Science, practice, education, practice models, benefits. 

Every practicing dentist benefits from the ADA's work. We are the proud voice of the practicing dentist.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why Don't We Just Write the Beginning?

Many of us have wonderful ideas for change that can improve the world, our communities, or even our own lives. We envision creating something new, disrupting the norm, or establishing a niche. We become energized by these ideas, talking, writing, and dreaming about a brighter future.

Sadly, for most of us, this is where it all ends. When it's time to take that brave step forward and create a plan, we get stuck. Internally, negative self-talk takes over. Externally, naysayers emerge, voicing their doubts and negativity. These voices, both internal and external, are powerful and can easily derail progress.

Whenever a disruptor enters the market, the status quo pushes back, doing everything in its power to challenge or stop the disruption. Many people are comfortable with the status quo and would rather stay in their comfort zone than embrace the possibility of something different, even if it could be better.

Change is hard.

Change disrupts our routines,

Change creates uncertainty,

Change is often inconvenient.

Change is constant and unpredictable - it's the one thing in life that is always certain.

Recently, a friend and I were discussing a big idea for change. We imagined all the possibilities and amazing outcomes that could result from it. But then we started to doubt ourselves, wondering what the naysayers would say, where we'd find the resources, who would help, and who would try to stop us. We were talking ourselves out of moving forward.

That's when it hit me: "Why don't we just write the beginning?" We don't need to have the ending figured out. We can create a plan, knowing it will be a rough road and that nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. This simple shift in perspective helped us return to a place of creativity and courage.

This is a courageous path, and when striving for something big, we need to find ways to stay courageous. We don't have to do it alone.

As Johann Wolfgang van Goethe said, "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness...the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too."

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Deny, Delay, Depose

The recent murder of UnitedHealthCare CEO Brian Thompson has shaken our society.
This high profile CEO gets gunned down in cold blood in plain sight. I am constantly searching my "go-to" news outlets for updates on the pursuit of his killer.
Surprisingly, the reaction on social media has been completely unsympathetic to his unfortunate demise.

"Deny", "Delay", "Depose" - words written on the shell casings of bullets found at the murder scene tell a story - Our insurance system is broken.
No one is happy with medical or dental insurance. Not the doctors, not the patients. And it has reached a threshold where someone commits this brazen act.
The American Dental Association, along with every other healthcare organization in the United States has been advocating for change in the insurance industry for decades. We have moved the needle some, but the fact remains - there has been little impact to make it better.
Doctors and dentists have taken the brunt of the anger from patients as we are the only ones that have direct patient contact. In fact, there have been several instances of violence or threat of violence from angry patients directed at my colleagues due to displaced anger regarding their insurance benefits.
We constantly get the "Deny, Delay, Disallow, Depose, etc." for procedures and treatments that, to us, are obviously medically necessary. We spend hours of effort to negotiate through the red tape insurance companies put up. Sometimes, it feels like they put up these barriers just to wear us out, so we eventually stop fighting.
I can only imagine that the killer experienced these denials, delays, etc., personally, and it resulted in an unnecessary death. If this is true, I am sure he feels justified in what he did.
I imagine that the millions of people who are expressing outrage have had similar experiences.
It is time for the insurance industry to change.
And for the record... I do not condone gun violence in any form.

Friday, September 27, 2024

The Evolution of Truth

“All truth passes through three stages:

First, it is ridiculed

Second, it is violently opposed

Third, it is accepted as self evident”

Arthur Schopenhauer

When disruptors enter any market, the status quo digs in and does everything it can to prevent the disruption.  

As a leader, I have a visionary style.  I see opportunities to create a better, preferred future that doesn’t look the same as today.  This is threatening to the status quo. I expect my thoughts will create discord.  This isn’t my first rodeo. 

As a result, I am experiencing the tenants of Schopenhauer's quote:

I’ve been ridiculed.  Threats are being directed towards my character by some that thought they could control me.  False narratives being thrown around by bullies. Threats of lawsuits by people that are mad they can’t get what they want from me.  

Narcissistic behavior by “friends” who say they are “helping” me. Newsflash- you're not my friend and you're not helping.  All you're doing is sensationalizing drama for clicks.  I won't engage with your delusions. 

Here is some friendly advice- Attack the ideas. Not me.  

I am being violently opposed.  I heard some are already calling for my impeachment due to these false narratives (and I haven’t even been sworn in yet)!

I am not cavalier when creating a vision. I don’t just wake up one day inspired with a plan that has zero merit. 

The inspirations come from observations of trends.  It comes from observation of human behaviors, of community behaviors.  It comes from consumerism trends and multiple other sources.  

A leader’s calling is to lead through the lenses of vision, mission and core values.  I am far from perfect.  These concepts always bring back to my purpose when I veer off course. 

Galileo, Aristotle, Lincoln, Darwin, MLK, Jobs, and countless others all saw a vision that wasn’t popular in their time.  They may not have survived.  Their ideas did.  Their ideas became truths that are now widely accepted. 

My ideas may not work out.  But progress doesn't occur without change.  

My experience tells me to stand up for what I believe in.

Fight for what is right.  I will continue to promote positive change. Know when to talk, when to listen.  

Keep an open mind and when contrary evidence presents itself, evaluate it and, if necessary, adjust the trajectory accordingly. But don’t lose sight of the vision. 

There are many who support me. Thank you. Your support means the world to me.  

There are many who may not agree with me, but respect the process. I thank you for exercising your emotional intelligence and not throwing around passive aggressive hostility.  

In time, just maybe, some of these potential truths may become accepted as self-evident. Or maybe they won't (and I'll be ok with that)!

#thinkdifferent #theygolowIgohigh

#theadventurecontinues #anythingispossible #sober #adapresidentelect #adachangemakers #oralhealthishealth #ultrAspire #inspiredbyAthletes 

The Hero's Journey

The "hero's journey" takes an ordinary person and challenges them through various extraordinary events. This humble person gro...