Monday, January 1, 2024

Tapping into Synchronicity

Every morning, I prepare for the day to be my best self- to be ready for all situations both envisioned and unplanned. I spend time in meditation and contemplation. Then I journal my thoughts and intuitions.

Today's meditation from the "Calm" app inspired me to share.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. " Joseph Campbell
Appropos for the first day of 2024.
Of course, I have goals I wish to accomplish. I am also seriously open to the realm of the unknown where unlimited possibilities lie - far beyond what my brain can imagine.
I try to be creative in my actions, while remaining grounded in reality. It is a balance, a dance. I often run these inspirations by mentors, friends, sane voices, etc. Collectively, my intuition processes all these perspectives and it guides me.
I consciously stay open to possibilities. I look for signs that the universe has something more in store for me. I try to be calculated, yet loose with my attachments.
Through my experience, I trust in synchronicity. However, it is only when I am in action do the signs appear. I have to walk the path (both physically and metaphysically) in order to catch glimpses of the messages.
I have been injured and not getting on the trails as often as I wish. I haven't run since October. This morning, I gave my surgically repaired knee a test. It was great to be on the trail watching the sunrise illuminate the valley as I trudged along. And the knee felt great as I hiked, climbed and descended the trail.

Good start to the year. Happy New Year, my friends!

The Hero's Journey

The "hero's journey" takes an ordinary person and challenges them through various extraordinary events. This humble person gro...