Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Dilemma of the Poet, Artist and Leader

Why is it that so many poets, artists and leaders have a melancholic temperment?

They are longing for a more perfect world. They are cognizent to the gap between the world as it is and the world as they wish it could be. They feel a calling to close this gap, and they are inspired to take action.

There is conflict - both internal and external - and this is the genesis of their melencholy.

Many become paralyzed by fear. Fear of failure, the enormity of the task ahead , and/or apathy leads to the surrender of our motivation. Over time, this melencholy becomes normalized, and they end up in a rut. We develop coping mechanisms that justify their place, and they decorate this rut. They eventually hit a bottom or a wall and become aware that there is trouble.

Many become inspired to change. They stand at the crossroads. They see the path they are on, and they see the path towards a better future. They courageously take the first step on their new path. They keep moving forward - small step after small step, and they begin to build momentum.

They start to feel the shift in temperment, they start to see the changes. They start to move with more purpose. Angels appear on their path to help. Like-minded people join them on the path and build even more momentum. The fly-wheel starts to spin.

As the gap gets smaller and smaller, the world is changed for the better. And so is the poet, the artist, and the leader.

I intentionally expressed this narrative in the third person (they, them, their). I also have lived this story many times in my life. Life has its peaks and valleys. The key for me has been action. I keep seeking inspiration through self reflection, and I find ways to move forward.

(Inspired by @SethGodin and @RichRolll)
American Dental Association

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