Friday, December 7, 2012

What's the Goal?

What's the goal?

It's that time of the year again.  Every December, I sit down and look at the past year and set up the plan for the next.  I do this both personally professionally.

Time to keep score - How did I do?  I definitely fell short in some areas.  And, I definitely over-achieved in others.

I look at personal accomplishments, family accomplishments, professional accomplishments, etc.

In 2012, (Tangibles)
What worked?
What didn't?
What was missing?

How do I feel about all this? (Intangibles)

Review of my Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Core values

What are my goals for next year?
What are my priorities?

I highly recommend taking a little time to look at these things.  Living with intention is much better than blowing in the wind.

How about you...What is the goal?

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision Fresh from a strategy retreat with my board, my brain has been overflowing with ideas. When creating strategy, we must ...